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Q: Exactly how and when will you pay me?

If you accept our very best offer, 33% is paid upfront via BACS into your account within 21 days of us receiving the required information from you (subject to due dilligence).

The remaining 67% of the figure will be paid equally on month 12 and month 24 following completion by BACS into the same bank account. (The second payment is subject to the agencies being transferred successfully and remaining intact.)

Alternatively, if you accept our 'quick completion' offer, your payment is split over 12 weeks.

60% is upfront and paid by BACS into your account upon us signing the agencies over.

40% is paid in on the 12th week in full and final settlement by BACS as long as 70% of the recurring income is still in the client bank.


If for any reason value of the trail has gone down by more than 30% within the first 12 weeks (excluding any clients we or our local partner have written business with) then your final payment will be reduced pro rata by the multiple we offered you for the business.

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